
Articles of this Constitution consist of the objectives, key structural elements and guiding principles of the organization. The By-laws define specific procedures to support Articles of the Constitution.

Contents of the Articles:

1.Character of the Puja Committee


3.Mission or Purpose

4.Organization of the Puja Committee


6.General Member

7.Executive Committee

8.Duties of Officers

9.Founder Member

10.Life Member



13.Auditing of the accounts of the Puja Committee

14.Election and Election Committee

15.Dissolution of the Corporation



Article 1: Character of the Puja Committee

The name of the organization shall be written as BRONX PUJA COMMITTEE, INC. NEW YORK, USA”, referred as ‘BPC’.

Bronx Puja Committee, Inc (here by as “Puja Committee”) is a non-profit, religious organization.

Article 2: Location

The address shall be 1271 Olmstead Ave, Bronx, NY-10462. Branch offices of BPC may be created around the world but the central office must be located in Bronx, New York.

Article 3: Mission or Purpose

This organization is organized and operated exclusively for religious or other purposes within the meaning of section 501 ( C ) (3) Internal Revenue Code.

Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, Bronx Puja Committee, Inc, shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 ( c) (3) of the Internal revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law) or (b) by an organization contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law).

The mission of the organization which is incorporated under the Nonprofit & Non-political Corporation laws of the State of New York, USA, believes in religious harmony, peace between all organizations & also open for all religious people to enjoy all our activities or functions, and various social, cultural and religious objectives, such as:

Section 1. To create, assist and foster the spiritual, moral and cultural heritage of Hindu community through teachings of religious principles as embodied in the Vedic Sanatan Aryans philosophy.

Section 2. To interact with organizations and individuals of other religious faiths to promote mutual understanding, respect and tolerance.

Section 3. To support and strengthen the spiritual and moral well being of all Hindus and other related organizations in the USA and worldwide.

Section 4. To organize our children and all others the rich spiritual and religious heritage of Sanatan Dharma and encourage them to emulate our culture, tradition and language through active involvement.

Section 5. To render all possible humanitarian and philanthropic services to all deserving persons without any discrimination of religion, race or color.

Section 6. To organize fund raising activities such as cultural programs, religious programs, tours, etc.

Article 4: Organization of the Puja Committee

The Puja Committee consists of members who believe in the objectives and aims of the Puja Committee as laid down in the Constitution and as amended from time to time, joined the Puja Committee by signing a declaration agreeing to support those objectives and aims, and paid the required subscription. The executive functions of the Puja Committee are performed by the Executive Committee elected by, from and among the members biannually in manners specified by the Constitution.

Article 5: Structure

The Organization shall consist of the BPC will have the following types of membership:

General Member

Executive Committee

Founder member

Life members

Membership of the Puja Committee shall be open to all who subscribe to the Puja Committee and purposes as stated in the Articles of Incorporation.

Article 6: General Member

The membership requires an understanding, sincerity, dedication and commitment to the principles, values and objectives of the society.

Eligibility: Any person of legal age eighteen (18) years or older and who has U.S citizenship/permanent residence and believes in the objectives of the BPC is eligible for membership of the Society.

A onetime application fee of $10 (ten dollars) is required for membership. After application granted by the executive committee, a monthly fee of $5 (five dollars) shall be collected from all members at the date of orientation and every month thereafter. Any kind of members of BPC represents as General Members.

Article 7: Executive Committee

Section 7.1: Committee Members.

The General Members will elect/select the Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the rest of executive committee as needed for the two year term for managing the routing administrative responsibilities of the BPC. But for the nomination for the President, Secretary and Treasurer requires will have to be keep maintaining 5years general members in the BPC organization.

SECTION 7.2: The executive committee will constitute several Ad-hoc committees to perform or execute different yearly events.

SECTION 7.3: The executive committee will execute and implement administrative policies and decisions to further the goals and objective of the society.

SECTION 7.4: The executive committee has the power to execute any decision approved by two thirds of the committee members and the decision shall be presented to the general members of the organization by recorded signatures or votes. A failure to make any decision by the executive committee will automatically transfer to the general meeting for further discussion and implementation.

SECTION 7.5: The Executive committee shall provide all resources of revenue, expenditure, programs, activities and membership information to the general membership in the general meeting.

SECTION 7.6:. The Executive committee shall preserve and safeguard all past and present records. The history of all activities of their respective committee members shall be handed over officially to the next executive committee members.

SECTION 7.7: The Executive committee is empowered by the constitution to take initiative for the benefits and welfare of its members and for the proper functioning of its association (BPS).

SECTION 7.8: Any problems that arise between members will be resolved through a compromise which will be decided upon by a majority of the executive members.

Section 7.9: Each elected member of the executive committee may serve a period of two successive terms in office.

Article 8: Duties of Officers

Section 8.1: President. The President of the Board shall chair all meetings of the Board and the General Body. He/She can call a meeting of the Board at any time deemed necessary. He/She is primarily responsible to carry out the functions of the Board as per the Constitution and the by- laws.

The President of the Board or his/her designee shall execute Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, and Contracts in the name of the Hindu Temple and Cultural Center and perform any other functions falling under the Board. An approval of all actions must be obtained from the Board prior to their execution. All such acts must be reviewed by the Board at their next meeting.

Section 8.2: Vice President The Vice-President of the Board shall act in the absence of the President of the Board and shall assume the responsibilities of the President of the Board in the event of his/her inability to act.

Section 8.3:Treasurer The Treasurer of the Board shall collect the dues, keep account of all the receipts and expenses and deposit all funds received in the name of the Organization in such a bank or banks account(s) as may be designated by the Board. The bank account(s) shall be joint in the names of the President, Treasurer and other two members of the executive body of the Board with the mailing address of the Treasurer of the Board. Funds collected for specific purposes shall be appropriately managed for the said purposes only. He/She must deposit the money received in the bank account of the Organization as soon as possible but no later than one month of its receipt.

The Treasurer and one other officer of the Board shall co-sign all checks in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000) and make payment in the name of the Organization. Any disbursements in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000) shall be made only after prior approval of the Board.

The Treasurer of the Board shall prepare a quarterly financial statement for all the receipt and expenses and present it to the Board. The Treasurer shall also prepare and submit the annual financial statements to the Internal Auditor (if one is designated) in detail within four weeks after the closing of the fiscal year. He/She shall also present the annual financial report to the General Body in its annual business meeting.

The Treasurer of the Board shall prepare the budget estimates for the following fiscal year and submit them to the Board no later than the first week of the last month of the fiscal year.

Section 8.4: Secretary The Secretary of the Board shall assist the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Board in carrying out the functions of the Board. He/She shall keep record of the minutes of the meetings of the Board and of the meetings of the General Body. He/She shall issue notices of the Board and the General Body meetings in consultation with the Chairperson

Section 8.5: Joint-Secretary: The Joint-Secretary of the Board shall assist the Secretary of the Board in all functions and shall assume the function of the Secretary of the Board in his/her absence.

Article 9- Founder Members

A Founder member is those members who made their donation US $5000.00 for buying the temple place 1271 Olmsted Ave, Bronx, NY 10462 on the closing table. Founder member will be continuing until cancel their membership. So those selected 11 founder members cannot be change or altered and could be member of the board such as Life Member, General Member and Executive Committee.

All Founders would be the Advisor and if any problem cannot solve be the Executive Committee or other, Founder Member will have supreme power to solve the problem. If any decision made by the Founder Member, all other committee member will have to be follow the founder member decision. The Founder Member as follows:

  1. Monaj Gope 2. Ratneswar Saha 3. Uttam Saha 4. Tarun Saha 5.Jugal Saha 6. Tarit Chowdhury 7. Biplob Bhowmick 8. Bablu Saha 9. Shanti Shill 10. Debashis Saha 11. Debabrata Podder

Article 10 – Life Members

Upon payment of the appropriate membership dues, a life member shall have membership privileges for his/her life. A Life Members makes a donation of minimum $100/ monthly by direct deposit on Bronx Puja Committee Mandir account in first 7 years for making mortgage payment (loan for building a new temple). All of Founder Member shall have to be a life members as well as Executive Committee. Life Member can be change or altered. Life and Founder shall be entitled to life membership for himself/herself. If any life members donation dues in 3 consecutive months, Founder member can cancellation for his/her life membership and make a replacement different members as a Life Member.

Article11- Meetings

SECTION 1.General Meetings: An annual meeting of the council shall be held once a year. Time and date of this meeting will be decided by the simple majority vote of Executive Committee meeting. All the General Members of the BPC try to attend at this meeting. The meeting shall be presided by the President/solely authorize by the President.

SECTION 2. Executive Committee Meetings:

– The executive committee has the sole power to invite all kinds of meetings whether it’s an executive, general or special meeting.

– If new issues or problems arise, the executive committee will have the sole power to decide whether the subject will be discussed in the general meeting or in an executive committee meeting.

The executive committee shall issue notice to all members at least two week in advance of any annual or special meeting.

The meeting agenda shall be finalized at least two week before the scheduled time meeting.

The executive committee will call a general meeting thirty (30) days prior to the completion of a two year term with the purpose of electing the executive committee for the next two year term by the constitution or by laws.

The executive committee will call a meeting after the end of the two year term to hand over the power to the newly elected executive committee within two weeks of the new term.

Section 3. Special meetings: Any special meeting of the BPC can be called by the President or by the General Secretary (in absence of the President) at any time due to any special agenda

Article 12 – Resignation

All disciplinary action shall be decided by the Board of Executive members. The membership privilege of member/members shall be suspended and or revoked due to commission of the following offenses:

Section 1. If a member fails to pay the monthly membership fee for a consecutive 12 (twelve) month period.

Section 2. If a member suffers from mental disorders and his/her activities are considered against the interest of the organization.

Section 3. If a member violates his/her oath of membership.

Section 4. If a member is under the influence of any alcoholic substances or mind altering drugs or assists another member in attaining these banned substances at any BPC event.

Section 5. If a member is found guilty of physically assaulting fellow members at any given place or time.

Section 6. Disciplinary actions shall be taken if members or officials in the committee miss three consecutive meetings without any valid prior notifications.

Section 7. If any member is found illegally using his/her positions in BPC, U.S.A for personal gains.

Section 8. A member may appeal to get back his / her membership in a general meeting and will be decided by the majority of the executive members in an executive committee meeting.

Article 13 – Auditing of the accounts of the Puja Committee

The Treasurer shall:

Directly report to the executive committee for financial activities.

  1. Be the sole custodian of all funds and bank books.
  2. Keep complete records of all money, funds, and financial properties
  3. Produce an up to date record of the financial status to the executive committee meeting or the general meeting of the Bronx Puja Committee.
  4. Notify all members in arrears and shall report to the executive committee members in case of any default or problem arising in this case.
  5. Supervise and be responsible for collection of dues and funds.
  6. Keep accurate sets of books of all revenue and expenditures of the Bronx Puja Committee.
  7. Bring the accounts up to date no later than 15 (fifteen) days of the date of transactions.
  8. Sufficiently address all financial inquiries by the federal, state and city agencies in a timely and professional manner.
  9. Have no more than fifteen hundred dollars in cash.
  10. Require the signature of at least two of the account holders for any bank transaction.
  11. In the case of long absence (more than one month) of the treasurer, the executive committee will select a co-treasurer to perform the necessary duties.

Article 14 – Election and Election Committee

Section 1. Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the direct popular vote of the general membership for a two year term.

Section 2. Any vacancies at the Executive committee shall be filled no later than 30 days after the vacancy has been created.

Section 3. All vacancies will be filled up by the approval of two third Majority of Executive Board.

Section 4. Members of the same family shall not occupy more than one position in the Executive committee.

Section 5. Elections shall take place during general meeting.

Section 7. Members shall be notified minimum two weeks advance notice about the date of the elections.

Section 8. No members with good standing shall be denied his/her right to vote or participate in the elections.

Section 9. Three members Election commission shall be selected by the executive committee at least 30 (thirty) days prior to the date of elections.

Section 10. A member of the Election commission shall not qualify for any contested position in the Executive committee unless he/she recues him/herself at least 60 (sixty) days prior to the election.

Article 15: Dissolution of the Corporation

Upon the dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed for any or more exempt purpose within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future Federal Tax code), shall be distributed to the Federal Government, or to a state be disposed by the court of common pleas of the county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization of organizations as said court shall determine which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

Article – 16: Amendments

Section 2.These By –Laws may be amended, altered or add rules in the constitution by a two thirds majority of the membership present at any general meeting.

Section 3. Members shall be informed about the amendments in the beginning of the session.

Section 4. The members who are eligible to vote must be given at least 15 (fifteen) days notice of the intended changes.

Section 5.Signature or votes shall be recorded in public to adopt an amendment into the constitution.

Section 6. The process shall be thorough, free and deliberative.

Article – 17: Miscellaneous

Section 1. If any member wishes to resign from their position, they must hand over their responsibilities to the executive committee.

Section 2. If any emergency situation arises, the executive committee may call a meeting with three days prior notice.

Section 3. The General Executive Committee shall provide a corporate seal shall be in the form of a circle and shall have inscribed thereon the name of the council, Bronx Puja Committee, Inc. New York.

Section 4: If a member leaves his position without notifying the executive committee, disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.

Section 5. Bronx Puja Committee has the liberty to accept any donation from legitimate parties or to reject any donations from parties considered detrimental to the interest of BPC, U.S.A.

Section 6. Personal animosities toward fellow members shall not be brought within the BPC or obstruct duties and responsibilities. Personal conflicts shall be resolved in a civil and peaceful manner. Members within the organization may help to resolve the situation, but they may not align with one side.

Section 7. If the dissolution of the organization occurs, the wealth will be donated to an institution of similar ideology. This decision must be approved by a majority of members.

Section 8. The BPC members shall not share personal information about members and their families with any members of the organization or outside entities, unless subpoenaed by a judge. Any personal or private information gathered about members shall be used solely to process membership requirements. The information shall remain private understand all circumstances.

Section 9. The duration of one year for the BPC is considered from January 1st to December 31st.

Section 10. All members of the Board shall serve without compensation except that they shall be allowed reasonable compensation for essential services and reasonable advancement or reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their regular duties as prescribed in these By-laws.